Monday, October 27, 2008
Dental Hygiene
In my sleepiness this morning, this is what I brushed my teeth with.... it took me 2 brushes to realize I wasn't using toothpaste. YUCK!!!!!!!
In my defense, it was laying on the counter like this.......looks like toothpaste, huh??
Posted by mandy harline at 11:46 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
PJ Pals
Haylee and Grace love to hang out in the mornings in Grace's bed. It's the cutest this ever! This morning, they exchanged kisses back and forth for about 10 minutes and giggled the entire time. I love that they love each other.
Posted by mandy harline at 12:43 PM 1 comments
So clever
Grace has a little pink step stool and has figured out what a step stool is used for. She picks it up and puts it next to the kitchen cupboards to get a peek on top of the counter. She'll scan the countertops until she spots something she wants. So funny!
Posted by mandy harline at 12:32 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
So inquisitive.....
Haylee and Grace have such different personalities. Grace dives in head first to everything and isn't afraid of anyone or anything. Haylee, on the other hand, is very hesitant with most everything. She loves to cuddle and just sit back and watch people. Haylee doesn't like change. She is very inquisitive with everything and everyone....even food! She'll look over her food before she'll touch it! She is cautious in all her surroundings. I love her personality! She still isn't quite sure what to make of my camera....
Posted by mandy harline at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dress up time!
Grace has officially entered the wonderful world of toddlerhood! She is becoming so independent and wants to do everything by herself. She loves to dress up and especially loves shoes. She is so cute!! I love that little monkey so much!
Posted by mandy harline at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
I'm a terrible mom
Okay, so today Haylee & Gracie's diet consisted of pretzels, graham crackers, and juice. Why you ask? Ummmmm......because I just didn't feel like making meals. Hey, they were more than happy about it. I'm feeling a little guilty though......
Posted by mandy harline at 4:21 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
new wheels

My loving wife and daughters got me my best father's day gift yet. I love it. It has only been a couple of months and I already have put in +500 km on it. That's right. Finally after 7 years I am getting back into riding. My baby is a Felt F75 - carbon fork, Ultegra / 105 components, aluminum frame w/ carbon seat stay, shimano wheel set.
Melbourne is a bike crazy city. Every morning along the beach, thousands of cyclist roll-out and bike to the end of the peninsula. Cars are pretty friendly and there are plenty of bike lane.
I've stopped taking the train and am now riding the 17+ km to work. My route is great too. Most of it is along the beach. Then I cut into the scenic city.

Posted by bruce h. at 9:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Beautiful Day!
Spring is so beautiful here in Australia! Winter is so cold, rainy, and gloomy here - so it's been especially wonderful to have sunlight and warm weather! I filled some bowls with water and let the girls play in the backyard. It kept them busy for the entire afternoon! They loved it! I am so glad both Gracie and Haylee enjoy being outside...and that they'll play outside by themselves - it gives us all a nice little break!
Posted by mandy harline at 10:07 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I enrolled Gracie in a Gymboree class and today was the first day. She had so much fun! The theme for the 10-week term is "Backyard Friends" and today we learned and sang about bumble bees. There are 8 other little toddlers in her class and Grace really enjoyed playing and singing with them. I had a fun time, too! I have a girl from church coming over to babysit Haylee so Grace and I can have some 'mommy and me' time. It works out great!
Posted by mandy harline at 10:57 AM 3 comments
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