Sunday, May 24, 2009


I'd rather go shopping with this money...I really think jail time would be worth it. At least in jail I'd get to nap all day and have someone cook for me, right?? :) Man alive, I didn't want to write this check!
(Don't worry...our taxes aren't late :) Being on an international assignment, we get extra time.)


Regs said...

Ouch!! That had to be painful!!

Clark Family said...

LOL!!! that is a crap load! I bet the tithing is just as fun atleast you get something out of tithing:)

John and Jenny said...

Experiencing the pain of being an expat and doing taxes now! Gotta love the two extra months. Are you ever come back down under?

Bronwyn said...

holy cow Mandy! Do you have to pay more when you are overseas?